Saturday, October 23, 2010

Me And Modern Technology

Just today I was helping my mother with something mechanical. She's in her sixties which mind you I don't think is old at all. I see her struggling with things like the vent on the refrigerator and anything technological and I think to myself this stuff is so easy mom. Well the old foot is constantly being thrown in the mouth on many subjects including this one. I fumble and fumble lately with these websites and my cell phone and I get so frustrated. I see people half my age whizzing through this stuff like it's nothing and I struggle to figure out how to log out of Facebook. I promise it's like personal sabotage. I always promised myself that I would be the old man asking his grand kids how to turn on the telephone. But is it me, or is everything becoming way more difficult to operate than necessary? I feel like I'm slowly falling into that group o people that young men and women look at and shake their head and silently laugh inside because it comes so easily to them. I used to be that young person. But the even more tragic part of this is that I'm not even that old! They say I'd you don't use it you lose it. Well I can attest to tsp being a fable because
I've been using the computer an Internet as long as I can remember I even had a commodore 64 for all those old enough to remember what those were. I wrote programs and everything on that thing and now at the ripe old age of..... 30 something I can't even figure out how to log off of Facebook. Ok so I'm exaggerating a little bit but it's almost that bad. At any rate I've got to work harder than ever before to at least look like I know what I'm doing. I suppose however that a great deal of my problem stems from the fact that I can't ever remember my password to my accounts thus I can never get into them and that's a whole other discussion. So with all that said the lesson for me tonight is to submit to the reality that my memory isn't all that it used to be and to securely write down my passwords for retrieval at the required time. Ironically I'm using this compounded iPhone to write this blog. Talk about modern technology at it's best.

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