Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ok so I have a friend or two that have children. I've heard of traveling horror stories with these children. I can't imagine because I am not a parent. Because I'm not a parent might explain the low level of tolerance I have for being in this situation. I mean I don't dislike kids but I don't want to sit next to a little overly active three year old either. I supposed you have realized by now I'm on a plane siting next to an overly active three year old.

Well I'm not devastated or anything its just he's touched me a million times offered me his sippy cup and thrown a few toys in my general direction, and I smile of course because I'm a nice person. Even though I'm dogging this kid and his mother who happen to be sitting next to me hoping that she doesn't lean over and see what I'm typing.

Not to be mean but put some vodka in his sippy cup to calm him down. Ok I know that's against the law but why do I have to suffer? I don't know what the solution is necessarily but there has to be something? Children's Tylenol maybe would be a good alternative to the vodka. Anything to knock this kid out.

I guess I should be worried about my fatherly instincts since all this boo hooing seems to be out of character for any good father or father to be?! Well if I do that's ok because I'll just take some parenting classes and subject myself to Mondays at daycare with children that aren't mine just to become accustomed to the whole ordeal. In the mean time I'll just continue to write hateful blogs about other peoples children and hope for the best. Do I smell poop? Geez get me out of here!

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