Sunday, September 12, 2010


Ummmmm now that’s a headline for you! Crazy love! What does that mean? First of all, I would like to say just how over used and abused the word love is. I mean I preach it like its stuck in my throat but I also know that most people use the word love so generically that it may as well just be “hello”. We all have experienced some emotion or feeling that we equate to this magnificent word. But really what is love?

As defined by wikipedia love is an intense feeling of affection and care toward another. I would rather liken it to a disease of the brain. Love seriously screws up the head and all things sensible for a lot of people. Some would say that isn’t love. I insist that’s exactly what love is perhaps not in the truest since of the word but that’s what is de-evolved to. I can imagine a time in our evolution when we had much better bonds between lovers, a time when the silliness that we see now between men and women was outweighed clearly by the need to survive. What a concept. Now that we can literally be independent of one another is when the petty and foolish behavior sets in.

So now we have crazy love. We burn clothes and shot and harm each other in the name of love. What kind of garbage is that? Get a grip people its not that serious. In there lies the problem, we have found love to be way more serious and not as sincere as it used to be. I’m saying this like I lived a hundred years ago but a hundred years ago people were not doing the things to each other that they are doing today. People in “love” are sick in love as far as I’m concerned. It’s one thing to share an intense feeling or affection for someone but it’s another to become obsessed with him or her. Its one thing to want to trust someone with your heart and feelings, but it’s another to go full blown Cagney and Lacy on someone.

All this to say what? I find that most people who are in ”love” are miserable, hence my equating the whole ordeal to a disease. Break it down disease = dis-ease, meaning not at ease. A.K.A MISERALBE! Ok I’m on my soapbox now but at any rate. Find some peace in your relationships people. It’s not that serious. If you have an intense feeling of affection for someone I think that’s wonderful. However you have to be the master of your emotions and not have them be the master of you.

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