Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ok so I have a friend or two that have children. I've heard of traveling horror stories with these children. I can't imagine because I am not a parent. Because I'm not a parent might explain the low level of tolerance I have for being in this situation. I mean I don't dislike kids but I don't want to sit next to a little overly active three year old either. I supposed you have realized by now I'm on a plane siting next to an overly active three year old.

Well I'm not devastated or anything its just he's touched me a million times offered me his sippy cup and thrown a few toys in my general direction, and I smile of course because I'm a nice person. Even though I'm dogging this kid and his mother who happen to be sitting next to me hoping that she doesn't lean over and see what I'm typing.

Not to be mean but put some vodka in his sippy cup to calm him down. Ok I know that's against the law but why do I have to suffer? I don't know what the solution is necessarily but there has to be something? Children's Tylenol maybe would be a good alternative to the vodka. Anything to knock this kid out.

I guess I should be worried about my fatherly instincts since all this boo hooing seems to be out of character for any good father or father to be?! Well if I do that's ok because I'll just take some parenting classes and subject myself to Mondays at daycare with children that aren't mine just to become accustomed to the whole ordeal. In the mean time I'll just continue to write hateful blogs about other peoples children and hope for the best. Do I smell poop? Geez get me out of here!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fighting Temptation

Well, you might think that this is about sex or drinking or some other horrible habit or behavior. Well not really. It about this problem that I have.

I always have to pee when in the worst of situations or positions. Like for instance. Sitting next to an overly active child two seats away from the aisle. Geez. It always happens to me! This is real talk people though you may never care to read about it. Or another instance is at the movies right when the best part o the movie is about to occur. Blam! Blatter overload. And it's not like I'm drinking tons of water or anything it just automatic like my blather knows I am sitting in a car a hundred miles from the nearest restroom and it wants to torture me. I suppose that I could see a doctor about it but what's the use she would probably just give me some pill that will inevitable have some horrible side effect like my penis fallen off or becoming inoperable. These things they happen to me. Well did you like this blog? What do you expect on a three out plane ride?

The Nature Of Things

Well hmmmmm. I utterly hate flying! I find it to be the most unnatural of things to do on earth. Some people take to the air like their mother was an eagle or something. But me? Not so much. I've always been afraid of hurling through the air at hundreds of miles an hour with nothing holding me up but this invisible force that could possibly just decide to no longer be. I know that's a ridiculous notion but still.

What I do find amazing is this wondrous planet we live on. It is nice to be able to soar through the air and experience a close relationship with the heavens and see all the cloud formations and the ground below me with all it's quirks. It's just that crash factor that fucks it all up. Sorry please forgive my language.

I don't necessarily consider myself a negative person just a realist. In lite of reason years and the things done with planes I don't think my amount of worry or concern isn't warranted.

So I just try to relax and pop some music in my ear that might calm my nerves and wait for the inevitable trip back to the ground. Landing is the greatest and worst joy. Aside from this kid picking at my super gianormous arm mole. Why isn't guanormous in the dictionary. Oh well vie exhausted my extensive vocabulary and I think this conclusdes my airplane rants. Maybe next time I'll take the frigging bus. .................nah!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Ummmmm now that’s a headline for you! Crazy love! What does that mean? First of all, I would like to say just how over used and abused the word love is. I mean I preach it like its stuck in my throat but I also know that most people use the word love so generically that it may as well just be “hello”. We all have experienced some emotion or feeling that we equate to this magnificent word. But really what is love?

As defined by wikipedia love is an intense feeling of affection and care toward another. I would rather liken it to a disease of the brain. Love seriously screws up the head and all things sensible for a lot of people. Some would say that isn’t love. I insist that’s exactly what love is perhaps not in the truest since of the word but that’s what is de-evolved to. I can imagine a time in our evolution when we had much better bonds between lovers, a time when the silliness that we see now between men and women was outweighed clearly by the need to survive. What a concept. Now that we can literally be independent of one another is when the petty and foolish behavior sets in.

So now we have crazy love. We burn clothes and shot and harm each other in the name of love. What kind of garbage is that? Get a grip people its not that serious. In there lies the problem, we have found love to be way more serious and not as sincere as it used to be. I’m saying this like I lived a hundred years ago but a hundred years ago people were not doing the things to each other that they are doing today. People in “love” are sick in love as far as I’m concerned. It’s one thing to share an intense feeling or affection for someone but it’s another to become obsessed with him or her. Its one thing to want to trust someone with your heart and feelings, but it’s another to go full blown Cagney and Lacy on someone.

All this to say what? I find that most people who are in ”love” are miserable, hence my equating the whole ordeal to a disease. Break it down disease = dis-ease, meaning not at ease. A.K.A MISERALBE! Ok I’m on my soapbox now but at any rate. Find some peace in your relationships people. It’s not that serious. If you have an intense feeling of affection for someone I think that’s wonderful. However you have to be the master of your emotions and not have them be the master of you.


Growing up I distinctly recall the “n” word being used very often in my presence. I’ve even used it to refer to someone fondly or as a greeting. Why did I do it then? Well it just didn’t mean that much to me at the time. Now that I’m older and a little wiser I realize that though the word is only given power by the receiver that no matter what context that it’s used in it still has as meaning. It still makes reference to a time and a place where black men and women were being grossly mistreated by another group of people. Soooooooooooooooo. Now having experienced some discrimination in my adult life and know how it must have been ten times worse for people like my mother and grandmother, how can I go on using such a vile and hateful word. I see it in the children that are coming along today. They may or may not know what discrimination feels like and I definitely can say that they don’t know the horrible feeling of oppression so how can they have any reverence for the people who’ve suffered at the hand of that word?

To me it is completely illogical to try and say that the word has been reinvented. It’s because we, we being blacks, couldn’t have come up with a new word that had nothing to do with the “n” word to be our champion? It’s like saying I’m going to take the word Popsicle and have it be a social greeting from this point on. “Good popsicle sir”, yeah I’m going to be thinking about ice cream the whole time. It just doesn’t work. I just don’t believe that enough time will ever pass that we can forget the hurt and the pain suffered as a result of such a hate inspired word. Though we can look fondly at the people who may say it to us, I personally know that I will always remember the slaves and the many blacks that were discriminated against so long ago. So here’s my stance. I’m not going to use it. I encourage others to do the same!


I’ve often asked myself this question. Do looks really matter? Well of course they do! Even to the most un-superficial person at the end of the day you have to be able to look at the person across from you and not be repulsed by the image starring back. Well I mean that’s really all there is to say about it isn’t it? I guess the question could be posed; why are we like that?

I don’t have any factual data to support my argument only that I’ve been human for about 35 years now and I’ve observed our nature and the way we respond to things. For the most part we’ve been told what to like by the media and by the people in our lives including friends and family. There is even a scientific formula that tells us what’s beautiful. Isn’t that insane? I mean what happened to the “eye of the beholder”? Needless to say that we are greatly influenced by society and well since we all live on this planet together I don’t think there will be any escaping that. Just sitting here postulating though I wonder how much of what we as individuals find attractive is chemical. I did watch this show once that said that we are attracted to people greatly in part based on chemistry. I’m talking real body chemistry, a certain smell or chemical that is radiating from our person. I guess that would be called pheromones.

Well at the end of the day what ever it is that draws us to one another I can’t help but think that we still have a great deal of control over who we fall in love with or like. That part is completely and totally at our discretion.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I get to poke fun sometimes.

So I am sitting in my car minding my own business about to get out and go into the Burger King. I know that anything can happen in a Burger King particularly the ones in the "hood". Before I could get out and go in this truck pulls up next to me. There's nothing special or unusual about this truck. It's actually a little run down and had a busted out window. Why would I care about that right? We see cars everyday. Well the people who got out were just your run of he mill folks and nothing to out of the ordinary about them. Well mind you this is all happening faster than I'm telling this story. When the couple who got out of the truck started to walk away and toward the Burger King the man raised his hand toward the truck and pressed a clicker and beep beep goes the alarm. I'm like thinking to myself; Really? I wanted to know what was so valuable in that truck because the truck itself was t worth squat! Just thought I'd share.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


In recent news, there has been a great debate on the construction of a Mosque at ground zero. Initially, I didn’t think very much of it because I just don’t follow politics or a lot of religious news. Finally, I’ve taken some time to look over what the controversy is about and have formed my own opinion about it.

We’ve worked very hard as a country to establish laws that protect our freedoms and rights. With that said, of course we have the right as American citizens to voice our opinion about what goes on in our cities and towns, that’s the American way, right? We have the right to build our churches our business etc, etc as long as they are law abiding and lawful establishments, right? Well at the end of the day the government can’t tell someone where to put a church if it’s legal and can lawfully be where it is proposed no matter the significance of what religion is being practiced there. That’s standard First Amendment baby!

Really, what is this all about anyway? We are still morning the deaths and losses of loved ones in the attack of the World Trade Centers. I mean who doesn’t get that? Lives were lost in the most vicious of ways and we still want to honor and respect that. However, we need to also practice what I’ve been preaching about and that is forgiveness. I would be a fool to sit here and say that there has been enough time to heal and to overcome the losses we’ve suffered in the World Trade Center tragedy. But, now is the time to start collecting ourselves and acknowledging that life does go on and we cannot stop progression because of grief.

Is it wrong to build a mosque at ground zero? I’m going to say no. Is it possibly insensitive to the family’s who lost people there? I’m going to say yes. Can I say that I could hold a conversation and be civil to the young man who beat me up and tried to steal my tennis shoes in junior high school? Yes! Why? Because I can’t hold on to the past like that and what someone did to me yesterday was yesterday. Do I remember yes, vividly! But I forgave him.. We should all forgive.